Harbourmaster's Office - Rye Harbour.

Harbourmaster's Office - Rye Harbour.

Lovely, Alan. Very atmospheric.

Very nice Alan and think you are correct, adding the post certainly shows the distance of the far shoreline .

A great painting as always, Alan.

It does Alan . It making a nice composition of one picture and not two paintings. As usual a lovely competent painting.

Always interesting to hear how people tackle their paintings, I'm trying to picture it without the post. As has been said I think it adds greatly to the sense of distance. Excellent work, Alan.

Lovely working once again Alan.

i agree with David Sylvia and Lewis, it also heightens the interest in that area. Love it, Alan.

The post gives you a starting point I think Alan....not that I know anything about compositions....it took my eye into the scene immediately and so did the little squiggle of red on the rope at the foot of the post. Without the post I think my eye would have gone straight over to the red boat and buildings, missing out the right hand side of the painting altogether. Your attention moves in a Z or S journey.

The post is a plus Alan and I'm glad you put it in, it seems to lead the eye across the water, a beautiful palette and very fine work - not so loose this time!!!!

Thanks everyone for your kind comments. Looking at it again, the photo is awful and doesn't do it justice.

Lovely, atmospheric, and I like the post, as you say it breaks up the composition, also varies the hight.

That post sets the whole image off Alan, a good piece of work.

Hang on Studio Wall

Oil on board, 30 x 50cm. Loosly based on a photo courtesy of Dawn, with my own take on it as always, although fairly accurate in most respects. I've sat on this for a few days deciding whether or not to add the tall post from an old pier (it was in the photo). I decided to drop it in this morning, the right decision I hope, it gives a bit of height and breaks up the composition of two halves..

About the Artist
Alan Bickley

Having studied fine art and graphics at both Stafford and Derby college, my career working as a graphic artist and latterly as editorial artist with Northcliffe Media Ltd, has kept me constantly in touch with all aspects of art and design. Painting mainly in oils, acrylics and watercolour, my…

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