The Wharfe at Barden Bridge


Good one Emma

I like this Emma, and you've caught the fast-flowing river beautifully.

Really excellent work Emma, lovely colour palette.

Beautiful Emma. Love the light on the bridge and the flow of the river. Super palette.

Beautifully painted, Emma, especially the river. Lovely colours.

You really have painted that fast moving water well

Excellent water depiction.

Superb painting, , great depiction of the Swale.

Thank you everyone for the kind comments, much appreciated.

This is a beauty Emma, the swirling river and delicate trees against a flimsy sky.

Thank you Frank.

Thank you Stephen.

Very skillful painting, the river is wonderful.

Thank you Ceri.

Lovely, I can see the water flowing.

Thank you Richard.

Hang on Studio Wall

A late winter scene from a walk at Bolton Abbey - watercolour, 14 x 8, done from my photos. I used Canson Not paper which I was wary of, because it wasn’t gummed down; but it held up really well - minimal buckling, let me build layers without lifting, and stood up to scraping. French ultramarine, yellow ochre, cobalt blue, permanent rose, cadmium yellow pale.

About the Artist
Emma Price

I'm from County Durham, on the northeast coast of England. I sketch and paint for my own enjoyment and relaxation; in particular, looking at the plants, wildlife and landscapes in our local area and attempting to paint them. My art is based on my own observations, using only my own photos and…

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