AI - a timely warning

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Hang on Studio Wall
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But digital art is a wonderful medium, used by very gifted artists.  All this is sad, sad, sad.
Lewis Cooper on 07/01/2023 06:45:45
Fully chested AGREE Lewis ;)
I understand your feeling and acknowledge that it’s sad he felt the need to leave , I can’t change his mind despite my understanding of his situation and attempting to get him  to stay . It may be the only way he can paint etc and as a disabled person I understand the difficulty that he is  or could be facing.  In my initial comment i asked if it was a photo he chose to say no it’s a paining , unfortunately it was not .  If he had said yes it was a photo he had manipulated  I and others would not have commented anymore more nor would we be here discussing his choice to leave . A accept that I have some responsibility in his decision to leave POL and do feel sad that he took that choice, it was not a deliberate case of get him of here. 
But it’s not how he arrived at the image, more the continued deception that disappoints me… continuing to claim he ‘painted’ it…  If he’d been truthful from the beginning, it wouldn’t have ended this way!
Surely the issue is not what limitations someone’s condition may cause, but the fact that everyone needs to be honest about how their work was achieved.  Let’s hope he doesn’t feel the need to leave the site, but just be clear about what is posted. 

by Jenny Harris


by Jenny Harris

I know it wasn't deliberate. I'm not saying someone shouldn't have mentioned something but maybe not in a discussion like this that could have real detrimental effects on a person with a neurological disorder.
I don't think anyone should be beating themselves up over this.   We all seem to have varying opinions .   Hopefully Michael will see messages and decide to stay and  provide info about his work.   
Too late, now, Denise. I've viewed his paintings in the gallery and to be honest it made no difference what was claimed by the artist, whatever makes a person happy, I say. Just let it go, this reads like some sort of a witch hunt, unpleasant to say the least. There are far worse things happening in the world . . .  and its still turning. 

by Carol Jones

Just caught the end of this - I'm afraid I'm not too sympathetic, if the situation is as it appears to be.  Manipulation of someone else's images is theft, and that's all there is to it.  I'm not a bit sentimental about that, and suggest no one else should be either.    I had no idea this artist was using other people's images, and wasn't thinking of him at all in posting the warning against AI.   I'm not even sure at this stage which of our contributors it is who has left the site - obviously it wouldn't take me long to find out.  I have only to scroll back.   But I make this point irrespective of who it might be: your own images, created digitally, are entirely fine - I can't do it, I admire those who can.  Your taking images others have created, and manipulating them, is NOT fine: it's stealing, and if caught at it, you deserve to undergo an action for breach of copyright.   Play at home with the software by all means,of course you can and I wish you pleasure in it.  But promoting material as your own work which is not your own work is another matter altogether, and it should have no place on any arts forum that wishes to be taken seriously: if we're to become a version of amateur night at the scout hut, "covering", i.e. copying and exploiting others' work, that is not acceptable to me for one, and I would not stay here a minute longer if it were accepted as legitimate.   I'm still not sure who this member is, though I have a suspicion: but frankly, if what he's doing is to manipulate other people's images, there may be better places for him to do so.  This place should not be one of them.  
I now know, of course, the work people are talking about: but I'm sorry: this is not painting, this is enhancing digital images: fine if people want to do that for their own pleasure or fulfilment, but it doesn't belong here.  As to the personal problems of the artist - that really isn't relevant in any way: many of us have disabilities of one kind or another - that isn't carte blanche to leech on others' work, and frankly I've no respect for the practice, or the excuse.   I realize people want to be 'nice', kind, forgiving, and understanding - and of course these are admirable emotions and motives: but you do realize what will happen to this site if we can no longer tell the difference between individually created work and digital manipulation of others' images?  It will cease to have any point at all: we'll become just another amateur site of the "oh it's LOVELY, Eithne!" type, when it isn't lovely at all, nor anywhere near lovely, but just derivative copy-cat dross. The choice, it seems to me, is for members to make.  But if the latter is what anyone wants - that'll be the end of POL.  
I don't have any qualms with people being told the right way and the wrong way but there is a right way and a wrong way in how to approach it.
I agree, Denise. There's a small group, here, in the forum and many in the gallery. What we don't know is how many people read the comments within either, thousands, millions? This is nothing less than public humiliation. Is there a dedicated moderator for this site? If there is, then if anyone has a problem with anything then it is to the moderator the complaint should be made or send a letter to Dawn. If the POL team thinks there is a violation of any kind, then the perpetrator should be discretely approached by them, and the offending article/s removed. Mental health issues, today, are thought of with a lot more compassion, and we should all be mindful of this. We don't know who is on the other side of the screen and should err on the side of caution. As Denise has said 'there's a right way and wrong way on how to approach it.'  What has happened here, in my humble opinion is wrong.    

by Carol Jones

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