Who am I?

Who am I?

Who am I?

Hello! I am a mother, a wife and have just taken the step to become a full time artist! Eek! I am a self taught - well ever since I achieved A* at GCSE level - wanting to earn my own money once I turned 16, I didn’t continue with further education and ended up in a tooth brush factory! I moved onto office work eventually getting into finance, gaining some qualifications via evening college and working as an accounts assistant for 19 years. I enjoyed it some of the time, the money was good, but I was never truly happy. Drawing and painting has been a hobby of mine all these years. I started doing commissions for friends and family and I just love their reactions, how happy it made me feel seeing them happy and I hungered for more. So, with the support of my husband, I decided to follow my dream of being an artist - I mean - I tell my kids to follow their dreams so why shouldn't I at least attempt to follow mine and in turn set an example for them?! I am getting to grips with self promotion, have created a face book page, a Twitter profile, attend local events, hand out flyers. But I have more to learn in this area and more to do. I hope you all enjoy my gallery, I will be loading more work regularly and I look forward to sharing my journey with you. Amanda X
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I wish you all the luck in the World. Go for it and enjoy it.

Thank you so much for all your lovely comments, I really appreciate them X

I've just had a look at your gallery and it is superb, I know I have commented lately on your work as it really appeals to me. Such talent, I'm sure your are going to do well.

Good luck Amanda, it must be an exciting time for you, I hope everything goes well.

Every good wish for your dream. Probably a lot of HARD work (as well as your art) but it should be really worth it!

Best of luck Amanda! It took me a lot longer than you to return to art, but this old dog is still learning new tricks which is very rewarding. Hope you find it as rewarding as I have.

Best of luck Amanda I'm a full time artist myself and it's so wortwhile putting your work out there and pushing yourself , I wish you every success and enjiy the journey .

Thank you Peter.

Good luck Amanda, it takes courage and conviction to follow a dream but it's better to try than end up an 'if only...' in future years.