Sending a photo by email?

Sending a photo by email?

The settings to aim for if you want to be able to send a photo as an attachment to an email or forum.

If you're taking a photograph with a modern digital camera is very likely that the photograph will be of quite a high resolution. When you're dealing with attachments to emails the first thing you ought to think about is to what used there will be put. Using Photoshop Elements (Image/Image size)or Irfanview, which is free, (resize/resample image), you need to look at the size of the file and probably adjust it downwards. Don't forget to to use "Save As" and give it a new name. (you may want the larger original in future). If they just to be read online the resolution can be as little as 96 DPI with the maximum pixel size of about 500 pixels at the widest, if they have to be printed by the recipient you should aim for a resolution of 250 DPI. If they're just in black and white, resolution should be at least 300 DPI. If you make sure that these resolutions are stuck to you shouldn't have very much problem with sending by email. There is a free photographic application called gimp that you can use to adjust these. John
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