Picture or Plaque?

Picture or Plaque?

Picture or Plaque?

Here is a project I have just carried out recently using a piece of MDF, measuring 16" X 10". Always being one to experiment in my paintings . . . here briefly is the method. On a piece of MDF I sketched out my design (1) and then carefully stuck string with PVA adhesive on to the outline (2). Once dry I then mixed up some filler (fairly thin) and brushed it all over the picture leaving brush marks and working it into the joins of the string. When dry I sealed it with a thin coat of emulsion (3) This forms a good solid base to paint on. I used a limited palette of prussian blue, grey, white, silver and gold acrylic (4) I love the amount of texture that is produced and a completed version can be found in my gallery.
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