Many of us know of the scams out there and, thankfully nobody has tried to scam me yet (I think) However, this one is so convincing I thought I would warn you again. Yesterday the phone rang. The number looked like it came from America. It was "Raj from Microsoft". Instantly I knew what this was as "Which" magazine has stated before that Microsoft will never contact by phone. He stated that we had a lot of malware on our laptop and it was not working properly and could I link it up with his computer so that he could correct the problem. I tried to get him to explain this problem more to me and he was so convincing - said he had the registration number so that I could see it was authentic. Got fed up with him and passed the phone over to husband who told him that we hadn't used the laptop in the best part of a year - which is true - so he couldn't understand what the problem was. Even so Raj continued undaunted and Chas put the phone down on him. MICROSOFT ARE ONLY SUPPOSED TO CONTACT BY COMPUTER (not sure about letter). So please, please don't link your computer unless you are seeking help with a problem like, say Know How etc.
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this has cut a lot of my nuisance calls telephone preference service

I used similar to a referee's whistle Paul - I screamed loud and clear and they hung up never to call again. But this was no genuine caller Roger, I had been plagued with calls night and day for weeks from this particular number which gave, falsely, a local exchange number which is what they do now. Police would not do anything - telephone services gave me the runaround. As I suffer with bi-polar I was getting increasing more ill and I just snapped one day and screamed - one long piercing scream. They never called again! Nowadays if you can prove these companies are causing distress, the authorities fine them and close them down as they have done recently with a company.

Yes its nice to give them the runaround too john

I usually get the better of them by asking, "Which computer do you mean?" (I have six, not including my smartphone and my iPad). Then I ask which operating system are they talking about. (I run windows 98, XP, 7 32 bit, 7 64 bit, 8, and also 10). Of course I insist upon them answering me because if they know so much about my problems, at least they will know that. They usually give up after that. John

Posted by John Kay on Thu 21 Apr 16:33:59

lol I only use in exceptional circumstances and oddly enough they never call back!!!!. I never asked them to call me and would willingly and vigourously defend any legal challenge.

Do not use a referees whistle as stated in earlier comment as you could leave yourself open to prosecution for causing injury to the caller especially if it was a genuine call rather than a scam.

Scam phone calls are quite easily cured with a referees whistle. Blow as hard as you can and it may puncture the ear drum. Happy days

had similar to above with alleged service provider ( nearly got caught ) don't accept any calls from anyone ref your computer or a service they purport to provide