Girl without a Jack Wills bag

Girl without a Jack Wills bag

Youngest member of the Maguire family joins our newly formed website production team in her very own corner of Suburban art jam

Dear Blogsters If it seems like I haven't blogged for a few days and you're wondering why, I have some exciting news. The family has been busy working behind the scenes to help me put together a new and my first ever art website. We're all in the process of personal growth together as a family unit and quit focused on making things, and links work - in more ways than one! This weekend, our only daughter and youngest child, Natalie Ann became a Web Graphics & Creative Design Assistant, so to speak as she left her Jack Wills bag behind and chilled-out status, to support me in my new venture. Here she is, focusing on her laptop, with a slight diversion from the watermarking process of my best CP and graphite images, all ready for the website launch, coming in the near future. Have a good day everyone.
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