From Photography to Art

From Photography to Art

As one door closes another one will open all you have to do is turn the handle

I was a very keen natural history photographer but owing to a long term debilitating spinal disability I can no longer access the majority of the reserves... I also have a tendency to suffer with clinical depression and I have to spend most days inside the house, so my physiologist suggested I find a new hobby, so I thought I would try and rekindle my art skills I had whilst at school (that's some 30+ years ago)... I now have made room in my computer room for a studio easel and I have purchased and have received gift vouchers and I now have a wide range of paints and brushes... I attend a music themed art workshop and I find listening to music whilst painting to be very therapeutic...
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I like the Easter Island painting too...the bird is have done so much better than me...I don't think I will make the deadline we have all been so sick...I feel rotten about it...but maybe an fairy will pop in and help

Well done you Ruthy. I like your Easter Island inspiration here too.

Hi Ruthy, I've just been reading some of your more recent blogs. Good on you for trying new media. I keep saying I'll get out my oil paints, make a change from my acrylics. Congrats on getting a new job too. Seems your a person who likes a challenge, it keeps you fresh and think it is good for self new people, gain new knowledge etc... I wish you well ~ Fond regards ~ Anni

Ruthy you are a star ! I am glad that you have made a decision. All of us have tried our best and without the 19 artists coming with me and working so hard and POL working just as much, the auction would not exist. Hug to you to.