Composition Development part 1.

Composition Development part 1.

This shows the sort of progression I like to adopt in the development of a studio watercolour. I tried to do justice to this by posting each sketch on the Gallery but on second thoughts I decided it would work better on my Blog.

From a photograph I had taken of the interior of a cafe including the objects on my own table, I drew a line sketch . Using my computer I scanned it in and printed it out four times on a piece of watercolour paper, here are the four sketches in which I have tried to explore the possibilities of different types of tonal schemes. Sketch 1. keeps the mid tones fairly light in tone against the white shapes. Sketch 2. I have emphasised a mid tone as a link across the frame of the sketch, taking up about the same space as the white shapes, and a darker mid tones as an accent, I have done my best to vary the actual distances between these darker tone. Sketch 3. I have increased coverage of the same mid tone and varied the distribution and spacing of the darker tone. In this one you will notice I've taken some liberties with the shapes. Sketch 4. I have extended the number of tones to four, introducing a lighter tone against the white and deepening the next mid tone to use as a linking factor across composition. The darkest tone is now definitely at the end of the spectrum and again I have adjusted the spacing between the various shapes to create a sort of stepping-stone effect. You'll see some even greater liberties here with the shapes.
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