Abstract starter

Abstract starter


Hey there. This is a new adventure for me in the world of art. I have been dabbling, purely for pleasure, in abstract art for roughly 8 months now. I have had no previous experience, no formal training, just an urge to express myself in a way I have never done. All the painting I construct are all painted in acrylic, I donot use a brush, all the artwork here have been created using wither a sponge, pallet knife or a plastic card. I have not named them myself ( I have in my own mind) but I would prefer for viewers to name them as they see fit. They may have been personal to me at the time of creating, but if you feel a connection with any of them then I think you could put your own personal stamp on them to name them how you deem fit. I would appreciate any hints, tips, guidance or positive feedback you can give that would help me improve what I do and how I do it, any negative destructive critiques/remarks will just be ignored, not replied to and deleted - I do not see the point to be honest. I hope you enjoy what is here.....I have had numerous hours experimenting, getting to use a mix of colours and generally having fun with it all. I will continue to enjoy doing this for as long as I get pleasure from it. Many thanks for reading this. Kind regards Keith.
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It certainly does look good very magical quality to it...a very nice subject to return to

It looks good...