About me

About me

My paintings.

I am dealing with massive depression in my life. I took up colouring with markers first. Recently I started painting, a friend of mine gave me a ton of canvas. I turn on my music and then painting lets me zone out and get in my own colourful messy paint world. I am not sure if they are any good but they were certainly enjoyable to make.
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Thank you for your kind words Adele. I am trying my best to get out of the funk. Depression is a terrible beast, I have some good days amongst the bad ones. Some people in my life cannot SEE my illness so I get a lot of push back about how sick I really am. Luckily my husband and family are wonderful people and they help me they best they can. Music and Painting definitely help me a great deal (as well as cat snuggles) I have checked out a few paintings, I am just learning different techniques since I am new to painting. I like messing around with different things and sticking things to some of my paintings to make them more... fun?

Well Trish, I suffered 30 years ago with massive clinical depression and had been diagnosed with bi-polar disorder. I am on constant meds but I have turned my life right around. I have emerged a stronger person. I am a woman whose glass is definitely half full. I love painting, music, books. My husband is a gem. I am rich beyond money. I would not change my life even if I could. You will emerge out of this darkness, please believe me. Enjoy your painting. I don't believe there is good or bad painting- just different. As long as you enjoy it, that is all that matters. Also look at all the different artworks online here. I've made lots of comments. I am no expert but if I like a painting I will say so. Get involved in all you can. Your depression will, I am sure, slowly ebb away. Happy painting - and don't forget to upload your works so that we can all share.