A 'Perfect Day' in the studio

A 'Perfect Day' in the studio

A summary of this weeks painting session.

It seems that the lovely spell of weather has forsaken us for the time being, so I have been busy in the studio with my acrylics. I recently picked up a couple of wonderful books by E John Robinson and Dave White on painting seascapes. The first one in oils and the last one in acrylics. They are superb and inspiring books. I didn't, however want to copy anything in there slavishly, but I did want to work on the techniques outlined. So I set to with an idea in my head and sort of made it up as I went along. My palette was: Raw Sienna, Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber, Cobalt Blue, Pthalo Green, Cadmium Yellow and plenty of Titanium White. Total painting time was about 3 hours. I'm getting used to painting with acrylics now, and I am not as wary of them as I was at the first. Anyway, there is room for improvement, but I'm quite pleased with the way this turned out. Happy painting everyone. Pete

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