Future Work

Future Work

Suburban art jam CP artist & illustrator, Julie Ann Maguire blogs about her current and future work.

Dear Art Blog Friends & Artists I took a photographic montage last night of several of my reference sources. These will become pieces of art, either in coloured pencil or graphite in the near future and quite possibly year's ahead, as I am receiving a steady trickle of commissions, locally and in Australia. I may also hold one of my best references back to use as study material when I eventually enrol on the London Art College oils certificated diploma course, tutored by Alan Dedman, BA, RAS, PGCE. Alan was my first tutor at LAC in 2006. Copy/paste link for further information: http://www.londonartcollege.co.uk/oil-painting-course/learn-to-paint-oils-course.htm Life in the art world and my favourite corner of Suburban art jam is certainly looking brighter. Enjoy the fine weather - while it lasts! JAM
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