Waiting for the Tide

waiting for tide

Lovely painting, Alan - I'm so impressed that you can paint like this from imagination!

I like the reflections and the drifts of sand a really impressive painting.

Wow, absolutely fabulous

A stunner Alan

Love the way you have painted the sea, leaving the imagination to find sailing boats or swimmers or crashing waves.

Great boatscape Alan. Like the plain foreground colours of the boata and bulwarks.

An impressive seascape with lovely light Alan.

Love the lively brushwork Alan.

Good brush marks Alan, beautiful tones and contrasts. Love that pinkish glimmer in the sky and beach.

I can smell the salty air Alan. Wonderful seascape which transports one to that magical place.

Terrific lighting on this delightful painting.

Fantastic Alan! What a beautiful scene and so skilfully painted, love the pastel palette too.

Like the palette here, Alan - and the reflections.

This is the technique in oils I am looking for. Impressionistic, with a luscious use of paint and colour. If this doesn't sell like a hot bun, I'll be most surprised. I first saw such barges on the Orwell way back in the fifties. Loved them then; love them now. Lovely work Alan. Congratulations. John

Another beautiful painting, Alan!

Who would think of using pink on a seascape! Well you would Alan and of course it works wonderfully. You show us how much closer we should observe and how paint can look. Lovely painting.

Another superb addition to this series of paintings Alan.

Just love this one Alan- the subtle colours in the sky say so much, Beautiful

Hang on Studio Wall

A pair of spritsail barges waiting for high tide. These are such attractive vessels to paint, even facing head on with their tall masts and a hint of sail showing. A simple composition from imagination. Oil on Jackson’s canvas/MDF board 40 x 50cm

For Sale

Price: £495 Framd
About the Artist
Alan Bickley

Having studied fine art and graphics at both Stafford and Derby college, my career working as a graphic artist and latterly as editorial artist with Northcliffe Media Ltd, has kept me constantly in touch with all aspects of art and design. Painting mainly in oils, acrylics and watercolour, my…

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