Old Barns - Pastel

Old Barns - Pastel

No comments?! It's a vey atmospheric piece Alan, and the limited palette adds to the mood. I would be more than happy to produce something of this quality.

Thank you Fiona for your comment, it 's one more than last time! Okay, so I won't bother investing in a box of new pastels. Never liked them anyway!

I've just had a go at this one and will post it tomorrow. Mine couldn't be more different from yours but isn't that the best thing about people trying a particular challenge? Yours has great atmosphere and strong shadows. Super sky as well. I do like all the little additions, like the wheel and ladder. I have added a couple of things to mine, but they have four legs!

Good stuff Theo, I look forward to seeing it.

Well, I have 'liked' this but I have some reservations, possibly a bit too 'busy' for my taste with all the roof angles, or maybe the palette is too mellow. It reminds me of a Hillbilly dwelling.

Hang on Studio Wall

My effort at Bob Elcock's L/P June edition. My first pastel study for years and I had to scratch around in an old box for some broken bits and a couple of pastel pencils. Having found no greens I soon realised that it would have to be a winter scene and I used a piece of mountboard for the support. The editor did put it in the gallery and it recieved no comments! I wasn't particularly surprised!

About the Artist
Alan Bickley

Having studied fine art and graphics at both Stafford and Derby college, my career working as a graphic artist and latterly as editorial artist with Northcliffe Media Ltd, has kept me constantly in touch with all aspects of art and design. Painting mainly in oils, acrylics and watercolour, my…

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