Doughty’s Island, Poole Harbour


Lovely painting Andrea, certainly captures the serenity you mention

It’s small but all in there! A lovely scene and superbly painted Andrea.

lovely scene and so peaceful, Andrea. Amazed at how small it is!

Beautifully serene and I love the way you have painted the foreground and those three little birds Andrea.

I haven’t been to Poole Harbour for a while ... this image certainly captures the essence of the place.

You have packed a lot of painting into a small area. It works really well Andrea.

Thank you Heather, it’s such a peaceful spot and the colours are really lovely, Great spot for bird watching apparently - maybe I should join them!

Thank you so much Alan, I am trying to keep my painting looser, so I’m trying the ‘small board, big brush’ method! I just had to add the birds with a small brush, but that was all (promise!)

Thank you Katy, yes, it’s just 15 cms square ... it’s not too ambitious a size to finish in one sitting - for sure!

Thank you Carole :-) Some of those grasses are scratched through to the pinkish under tone, to achieve those tiny grass heads - they were proving tricky to capure otherwise.

Thanks David, so glad you think I captured it :-) This is a quiet inlet from Poole Harbour - Holes Bay - and it’s beautifully peaceful.

Thanks Chrissie :-) that’s really kind of you and very much appreciated

Thank you so much Maureen, that’s very much appreciated :- )

Hang on Studio Wall
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I love the soft colours and serenity of the salt marshes in Poole Harbour. So calming and peaceful. Oil on Gessobord, 6 inches square.

About the Artist
Andrea Hook

I’ve painted and sketched since early childhood and my favourite place was the garden, amongst the old fruit trees and raspberry canes. As a student, I studied for a degree in Visual Arts & Geography at Lancaster University and I worked for fifteen years as an illustrator and graphic designer in…

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