Anemones are cup-shaped flowers with a lovely dark centre and stamens. Draw several in different positions so you can add variety to your painting. Include foliage and a bud or two. The foliage is characteristic of this flower. It is feathery, but not spindly, and grows out from the stem often near the top or directly underneath the flower. Stems are quite fleshy and chunky.

When you are happy with your drawing, start to compose your picture. Begin by plotting in rough circles where the

flowers will grow. Do the minimum amount of drawing possible and only add the vase after you are happy with the position of the flowers. If you want to include a white anemone, draw it in greater detail so that you can preserve the white of the paper.

Anemones in a Vase, watercolour on Saunders Waterford High White paper, (30x35cm)

Demonstration – Anemones in a Vase