Free Trial Details

A free trial gives you access to...

  • 7-day access to the full suite of services offered as part of our Studio membership
  • There’s nothing to pay or any upfront card details required
  • No commitment if you choose not to continue using the service
  • Overall, it’s a great way to experience what we have to offer you and to help you become a better artist

Start Your Free Trial Today!

Please note, to continue receiving the benefits of membership a paid subscription will be required after your trial period ends.

Our Free Trial Membership is subject to our standard terms of use and privacy policies.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the free trial for?

The free trial is for the Studio membership service outlined here.  All other aspects of the website will continue to be free to use such as the gallery, forum and marketplace.

What does it not include?

The only thing you won’t receive is a free magazine (only offered by Studio+ service)

What if I forget to use it?

We will be sending you a couple of emails to talk you through all of the different services throughout the trial to help you get the most of the service.

You will also see a yellow banner at the top of the website each day notifying you how many days you have remaining in your trial.

Once that 7-day period is up, you will get an email from us to let you know that the trial is over and we will also let you know what to do if you wish to continue using the service.

What details do you need and why?

Your name, address and phone number are required when you subscribe to our service, so requesting them at the start of the free trial means we don’t need to ask you again once the trial is over.

  • Your email is needed for logging into your account, validating your details and accessing the service.
  • We need your name and address for billing purposes.
  • You can also opt in to receive updates and offers from Painters Online. 
  • By registering an account with us you are agreeing to our Terms and Conditions of Use.

Anything else I should know?

Yes – free trials are only available to new customers. Once you have purchased one of our membership packages you will no longer be able to access our free trial service. Trials are non-transferrable and subject to our website Terms and Conditions of Use

Questions? Call us on 01778 395174

Start Your Free Trial Today!