Four Fantasy Sketches. Pen and wash. A4 sketchbook.

Four more fantasy sketches-small

No Lew I don’t think, well I’m sure it’s not just you! I have many art ideas in my head which aren’t getting done, but maybe It’s all just taking longer. Anyhow this is very good, your imagination is still ticking. Great skills and the sorcerer is my favourite. Keep ‘em coming!

Excellent work Lew. I believe from comments on the forum and talking to people, it seems a lot of artistic creativity seems to be suppressed at the moment. I have started several pics and dump, them, like a lot needing to push myself. Keep doing what you can and what your great at and it will settle back I’m sure.

These are great Lewis. I like the Minstral characters. It’s nice to know from other comments that I am not the only one struggling with creating anything. I seem to have so many ideas but I can’t settle to doing anything. Most things that I have started, have been abandoned half way. I look forward to seeing your art so keep going!

Thank you Tessa, Dixie and Tracey. You seem to be echoing my thoughts and feelings. Strange days. I can't pin down exactly WHY I don't want to start the things I'd planned...I just don't feel like it. Odd.

A more sombre grouping which , maybe , reflects the mood you talk of Lewis. For me it has been shutting the doors on the outside world - which is now reflected in the condition of the outside gardens. - but I have been painting

Nice to see you posting again Lew, not just you that seems to be struggling, looks like there are quite a few of us. Want to get on with it but just can't get going somehow, but I guess this happens a lot in the warmer weather, I would rather be pottering in the garden and leave the painting for cooler days. Great work as always. Stay safe.

Love this Lewis, especially the ‘Minstrel’. The look on her face is brilliant. I think many of us are feeling unsettled because of the uncertainty of these strange days. Hopefully things will start slowly improving and we can adjust our lives accordingly. I’m sure your strength of imagination will guide you through given time and patience. Keep well and safe Lewis.

Not just you Lew, me too. Glad you're still drawing though and doing it so well

Great sketches!!

Oh crumbs, Lewis...I thought it was just me with the Pause button on...seeing these comments here, we're not alone! We don't paint "just" to sell, Or "just" to exhibit, any of us, but these for sure are strange times. Love these, especially the Pratchett characters...just as I imagine them! Brilliant as ever, thank you for cheering me up!

Thanks to everyone for your very encouraging comments.

Great sketches, Lewis, I especially like the last one. (As all the club activities and exhibitions have stopped for the foreseeable future I decided to focus on linocutting instead of my usual painting - a change of direction seems to have kept me going!)

Great characters Lew. Yes this business throws us off balance a bit!

Great imaginative drawings Lew, I love wizards, witches and Prachetts books. It's not just you Lew, I am doing a whole lot of drawings, but even there I am struggling to find inspiration. I also have two largish paintings that were started before lockdown, both of which have had very little done to them over the lockdown period, I just can't seem to find the motivation, but why is a mystery.

An excellent quartet Lewis. As said struggling to get motivated in this good weather. Would feel guilty not to enjoy it outdoors - it can't last forever !

Wonderful collection of characters Lewis, I could do with one of those glamour spells! It’s okay to have a pause Lew, you’ll get going again when the time is right.....don’t feel guilty about it. My painting always takes a back seat in the spring/summer/autumn, I spend most of my time in the garden. I do try to do something, anything, just so I don’t get rusty but I don’t force it. Hope your inspiration and motivation come back soon.

Where do I get a glamour spell? Lovely characters.

Thanks again to everybody for your great feedback on my pictures. Much appreciated.

Brilliant character drawings as always Lewis. Strange days indeed but reading the comments here is somewhat cathartic, we're all 'suffering' in one way or another but this site and the people on it certainly help to keep the demons at bay. "Demons at bay,' now there's an idea that night stir your imagination and great skill set Lewis?

Always great Lewis - keep going!

Hang on Studio Wall
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Still not doing any of the things I'd planned at the start of this chaos. Heart not in it, I guess. But at least I'm drawing something. Somehow it feels like life has hit the 'pause' button...or is it just me?

About the Artist
Lewis Cooper

Self taught. Love drawing. Like to make pictures up, without using reference pics, often in cartoon style. I do other pictures where I do use reference. I'm knocking on a bit, born in 1940 in Greenwich, London. Retired, and loving it.

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