Jack - A3 sketchbook- Mixed media.

Jack the Ripper-small

The fact that he looks normal makes him more scary. Love the red dabs and lettering, now that arouses a feeling of fear. Brilliant as usual Lewis.

Good one Lewis, normal is even scarier

From what I remember there were a few famous suspects...even Sickert was one.

While he looks normal there is that look of evil about him, great sketching Lew.

Thank you Carole, Heather, Marjorie, and Dixie. Yes Marjorie, Patricia Cornwell (the famous crime author) wrote a book about Sickert being the Ripper. But it was debunked because it is known that Sickert wasn't in the country at the time of a couple of murders. We'll never know...but authors won't stop producing theories, because the books sell.

Another cracker , Lewis and the "normality" of the portrait adds to the suspense. I do have to say though , that I think the eyes carry something more than "normal" Do you use the inktense pencils as a drawing let down by a following wash or wash off the pencil before application. I have the full set of these pencils but so far have tended to use them purely as a coloured pencil - and I already have about 2-300 of ordinary W/C pencils anyway..

Mike. I draw with the inktense pencils adding some shading, I'll often draw (dry) over marks I've already put down, in an attempt to mix colours. Then using clean water with a damp brush I paint over the colored pencil marks, it becomes much like watercolor and many of the colors become much brighter. Obviously, the brush picks up some pigment and I 'extend' the shading with that. I find you can dilute colors easily by going over them with a clean damp brush. For me it's very like drawing, and that's what I do...I draw things, and don't really think of myself as a painter. I expect that's as clear as mud.

thanks for that info , Lewis , greatly appreciated. You achieve a very good "spread" of colour with very little trace of pencil mark and it is that that had me wondering. Will have to pull the Inktense out of their hidy hole. Better retire - just noticed the time -7 minutes to 01.00 hrs. Good thing I am not still working. Good night all

Great work with the Inktense pencils, Lewis - he does look a little menacing, but it’s the blood red lettering that does it!

Lewis, received the March copy of the Artist today and the Art courses supplement. I note , in the supplement, that there is an Inktense Paint Pan set. Could be interesting .

Mike...I know quite a few people have used the inktense pans, they seem pretty good. Problem is there's always something 'new' on the market...for now the pencils suit me so I'll stick with them as they suit my style of working.

Lewis , will let you know - have ordered a box to try - ordered in NZ and coming from the States ! Thought they were "made in England" If they follow the pencils , the colour will be strong and that suits my needs.

The ‘normal’ look is definitely more menacing Lewis.

Hang on Studio Wall
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My son took his family to London for a day out, it ended with a guided Jack-the-Ripper tour. My son was a bit lukewarm about this idea, but he said it was the best part of a very good day. This prompted me to draw Jack, rather than a foam-mouth lunatic I've drawn him normal. Monsters like him tend to look normal. Mixed media...the face with inktense pencils.

About the Artist
Lewis Cooper

Self taught. Love drawing. Like to make pictures up, without using reference pics, often in cartoon style. I do other pictures where I do use reference. I'm knocking on a bit, born in 1940 in Greenwich, London. Retired, and loving it.

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