Paris in the 1920s

Paris in the 1920s

Your images are like a visual tour Lewis. This one has great little extras which speak a thousand words.

Everything there, brilliant

I love some of the expressions on the faces, especially the lady on the right who wants to order something......unfortunately the waiter got distracted.

Love your work Lewis and this is such a jolly piece - so much interest.

So much to look at it. Very good :)

Ooh la la, lively painting Lewis so much to see in this.

Your work always amazes me Lewis, such beautiful detail.

Thanks to all for looking at my picture, and not mentioning my dodgy Eiffel Tower.

A lovely set of characters again Lewis, looks like something out of an Agatha Christie movie,😀 also you were saying you fancied trying inktense, mine were a Christmas present, it's only a set of twelve and the colours are restricted, but I will probably incorporate them with my watercolour pencils, but I do like them, hope this will help you choose ,😃

Hang on Studio Wall

I seem to be on a 1920-30s binge at the moment, because I like Art Deco. This one is in cartoon style, which relieves me of the bother of finding reference material. (Although I could have used some for the Eiffel Tower...I didn't know it as well as I thought I did.) So it's not an accurate representation, just an idea on the 1920's. Pen, ink and watercolour, 16 x 12 inches.

About the Artist
Lewis Cooper

Self taught. Love drawing. Like to make pictures up, without using reference pics, often in cartoon style. I do other pictures where I do use reference. I'm knocking on a bit, born in 1940 in Greenwich, London. Retired, and loving it.

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