Hazel Wood


Beautiful autumn scene with strong contrast.

This is lovely with a great sense of depth and colour.

What a lovely autumn watercolour. I love looking at all your paintings Stephen. They always look so professional.

This is lovely Stephen and v good

Lovely work, Stephen.

A beautiful painting, people will pay good money for this

Many thanks Kwok, Carole, Annette, Heather, Jenny & Adele.

A beautiful painting Stephen. I can feel the leaves beneath my feet.

Super rich dark shadow areas with the brilliance of the autumnal sunshine, sets a wonderful scene Stephen.

Love this, Stephen - the strong colours, the misty,light background and your markings.

Many thanks Diana, Fiona & Maureen.

Gorgeous painting - love it!

fantastic work, with a very delicate touch. Hats off to you

Hang on Studio Wall

Stephen Kelly sent in his autumn woodland painting saying: 'I always enjoy Colin’s demonstrations and his articles, always something to learn'

About the Artist
Leisure Painter

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