Georges Seurat with a Twist


Ha ha! Good comment on our current dilemma. Good work Frank!

I did laugh at this, especially that beautifully painted poo bag. The number of them as come across on the way to the beach!🥴

Frank, I forgot to congratulate you otherwise on your great copy - you didn't fancy the pointillism then?

This is brilliant Frank. So imaginative and a great echo of Seurat without the pointalism.

Absolutely brilliant Frank! It was the inconspicuous poo bag that grabbed my attention.

What a brilliant idea Frank! Well painted.

Thanks all for commenting, Marjorie and Fiona, I am a volunteer litterpicker in our area and I clear up all this sort of thing on a weekly basis, the poo bags tossed in trees really annoy me. If I’d have done this in pointillism, I’d still be doing it next Christmas! 😀

A great funny/serious take on this work, very well painted. I wonder if Seurat left out any litter that was around in his time.

Love what you've done to this - great painting and the more you look the more you see

Thanks Lewis, I guess every generation of man has left litter of some kind. Thanks Heather, I loved the original work when I saw it in London. If you look at this painting in Google Arts & Culture, you can zoom right in and see every dot of this pointillism.

Brilliant retake. You can recognise the brand chips (sorry 'fries'') and beer. The only thing missing is the discarded facemask!

Tony, the discarded face mask is in there!

Oh yes, spotted the face mask. Nice contemporary touch Frank.

Great twist on a recognisable painting.

Hang on Studio Wall

I painted his famous “Bathers at Asnieres”, had they had the litter problems that we have now, back in the late 19th century. In my version you can see crisp packets, cigarette packet, coffee cups, beer bottles and cans, takeaway food containers, plastic bottles and a poo bag! I’ve used gouache for this painting on Bristol Board 30.5x20.5.

About the Artist
Frank Bingley

I've had very little tuition over the years except for a two year course during the late 1990s in watercolour. Since retirement in 2012, I now have time to pursue my love of painting. In recent years I have ventured into linoprinting, acrylics , oils and gouache. Gouache is fast becoming my…

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