St. Benet's Abbey

St. Benet's Abbey

Maybe just a wee bit in the road but it's still a cracker of a painting Fiona, I'd be more than happy if I'd painted it. Those trees hinted at in the far distance give a a real feeling of recession.

No it looks good to me Fiona, well done.

I think it's great, love the whole painting, you have established a really strong composition here with the Abbey, and of course, in your very recognisable style Fiona.

Fiona you do such beautiful washes and this is really superb

On the lefthand side of the road Val? I thought that too, I might have a go at washing a bit of the colour out, it blends in too much with the verge. Thanks for your crit, it helps.

Thank you gentlemen, glad you like it...I'm still not sure!lol X

I see what you mean Fiona but the foreground brings it forward so well and you have softened it beautifully for the distance. Your colours are always harmonious in sky and land. Hope I make sense! :)

Lovely work Fiona painted many times by Seago . I like it very much indeed , well done Fiona.

Another nice piece to add to the portfolio. Lovely washes, gorgeous sky all done as Alan stated in your recognisable style.

Another 'gud un' Fiona, the abbey really stands out against the pale sky.

Great Fiona!!!

You have chosen a very difficult subject Fiona but have produced a lovely painting. Well done. I am becoming a fan of Arches paper now.

Hi Fiona<br />You have been busy this year already!<br />perfect composition .do not feel you have gone over the top .very atmospheric painting love the limited use of colour<br />eat your heart out Turner!<br />regards<br />David

Lovely and unmistakable style, Fiona.

Yes you do make sense Carole thank you, I thought when I stood back to look at it, the lane on the left was a bit too close to the same tones as the verge. Thanks again Carole!<br /><br />Dennis, Andre, Stephen....thanks very much! Dennis, I think I&#39;m going to have a go at it from the other side as well, as Seago did, as you say many times.

Many thanks Tanusree, Margaret, Cesare for your lovely comments.<br />Margaret, it is a nice paper but I&#39;m not keen on the &#39;rough&#39;.<br />Thank you very much David, I stick to a limited palette because I get in a mess if I don&#39;t lol!

Yes, Fiona....I agree with do the most lovely washes and your colour tones are really lovely!!

My simple thoughts after immense admiration is that maybe the Structure tones could be a little lighter, recessing it back more.

This is really first class Fiona , those background trees are delightful as are the birds and sky , I agree with what you and Val say about the left hand side if you just soften it slightly as it moves away from you , do that and it&#39;s more or less perfect :) excellent

Lovely piece, Fiona. Loads of atmosphere and spontaneity.

I think this is very well done: lively and spontaneous. I like it!

Thank you all for your input and comments, I think there could be a little washing out in places. Thanks again!

Thanks Gudrun, no Indian yellow in this one, just raw sienna and raw umber.

A lovely fresh scene here Fiona :)

Thanks very much Sarah!

Hang on Studio Wall

14" x 10" Watercolour on Arches, old Holland paints; U.marine, V. brown, R. sienna, R. umber and L. red. Not the normal well painted view of the Abbey, but still recognisable. There is far more detail in this one than I feel comfortable doing, I start panicking that I've gone over the top....which I probably have!lol

About the Artist
Fiona Phipps

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