.....and one for the Scardie Cats!

.....and one for the Scardie Cats!

Great stuff. We cut a face, stars and a broomstick in ours.

Scardie Cats? Mk4? Lovely simple design Fiona.

Now you've made me jump again you're not on your own

Amazing Fiona love it - are you ready for tomorrow ?

Very artistic Gudrun, my husband has serviced my broomstick for tomorrow night! Satu, this is for the folk out there that are of a more nervous disposition, who don't like the 'reaper' picture I posted. Mk 4 means this is the fourth 'Batik' picture I've done today and the only one worth viewing, the other three were experiments and a disaster....scary but rubbish....lol Booo Dennis! Yes Donna, I have my black and orange ribbons ready to tie onto my Clootie tree, broom stick serviced and my 'familiar' on red alert! Many thanks for looking at this bit of fun.

You can't scare an old warlock. Abracadabra

If it scares away the cats I'm all in favour.

Thanks for telling Fiona!

I like such simple and colourful works!

Too nice to be scary but very inventive.

Not scared at all 👻 😱 I will in the 'broom' cupboard . A good batik trick Fiona! 🎃

Hope you made pumpkin soup from your "model" Fiona :) Good effect with your batik method.

Many thanks everyone for your kind comments. No I didn't Val...lol

Thanks Margaret!

Hang on Studio Wall

I did this one using the batik method, this is mk 4.

About the Artist
Fiona Phipps

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