Summer evening on the moor

Summer evening on the moor

Beautiful, lovely colours and textures.

Many thanks Liezel, appreciate the feedback. Steve.

A lovely painting, I can see the Blockley influence.

Love this Stevan. Beautiful.

Thanks for the kind words Paul and Margaret. I appreciate you taking the time to comment and I particularly like the reference to John blockley.

Congratulations on getting your painting on the top line of the gallery Stevan, very well deserved. The palette is very effective in suggesting the time of day and atmosphere.

Thanks Fionna, I'm always pleased when my stuff is selected. I'm glad you like it! Steve

I love the way you’ve let the paint do it’s own thing in the bottom half of the painting Stevan.

I love the freedom of it myself Frank. I think there is a naturalness about it. Thanks for the feedback.

Beautiful earthy colours and a wonderful contrast between the two parts of the scene.

Before I looked at your bio, the painting said "Blockley influence": a great innovator of the medium of watercolour, This painting works and inspires emotion.

Great to get your views Avril and Clive. I get a sense of pride when people recognise Blockley in my work. He was an imense watercolourist and a great teacher as well. the palette, great texture in your paint doing just what it likes...I presume!

Thanks for the feedback Anne. In a sense you are right that I allow the paint to do just what it wants but the location of the paint in the first instance is the artists decision. Random effects occuring from precise positioning is how I like to term it. Thanks again.

Lovely colours and use of the paint - I really like this painting.

Many thanks Claire, I appreciate you comments. Steve

Hang on Studio Wall

Back to my more prolific style and the one I've shown more of. The low summer evening light has often attracted me especially when it picks out features of the landscape.

About the Artist
Stevan Petrovic

I was born in Wakefield West Yorkshire and lived in that area most of my life. I moved over the border in to Lancashire (only just) in 2011. My family and my job have been priorities but I have managed to draw and paint since I was a child. For a short period I was the Chairman of Wakefield art…

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