Home Farm under Snow at Hardiwick.

Home Farm under Snow at Hardiwick.

This is so sunny, Alan. Beautiful colour palette. Great work.

Superb Alan much more than a card

Love snow scenes, Alan, this one's beautiful, so bright and sunny - and I love the trees!

Love the crisp, frosty feel to this beautiful snowscape. Those lovely shadows and illuminated patches of light make this a wonderful painting Alan.

Will you be using this for your own Christmas cards Alan? It’s so atmospheric and seasonal. I love the bright, crispand clean watercolour. Well done to Sophie too.

Lovely bright scene Alan, who says winter has to be dreary and depressing?

If all winters could be as beautiful! A truly fantastic scene Alan.

Beautiful scene Alan wonderful cold sunlight, great atmosphere.

Gorgeous, Alan. Love the granular texture in the sky, and all about it.

Beautiful painting Alan.

Another superb, an instantly recognizable as yours, landscape. Great work, Alan.

I love this Alan, you should have won! It's a beautiful Christmas scene with the snow and the beautiful light.

Another beauty Alan.

Yup, it's not bad Alan😉

Nice one Alan!

Beautiful scene Alan.

Beautiful light in this one, Alan.

Perfect in every way Alan, beautiful.

How can anything be so beautiful, and such Hell to walk through, is my frequent thought about snow scenes. I can only say that Sophie Penstone's painting must have been a work of genius - I haven't seen it. If there isn't a card company out there which would buy this and mass print it - well, there ought to be.

I never expected this response so thank you. Some positive feedback which I appreciate. Perhaps Robert would like to be my agent? I don't paint many watercolours these days, much preferring the texture of traditional oils.

A beautiful idyllic scene, Alan. Love your colours, really bright and sunny.

I may have commented on this super winter science before. If so it is so good I am glad I have !!!

Love the composition , shadows and specially the old tree in the foreground, Alan.

Really beautiful

Love it, I feel cold just looking at it! I love shadow's at the best of times. Is Hardiwick in Stoke? a bit far South for snow?? from Allan (with 2 L's)

Thanks for those latest comments. Allan, it's a little hamlet near Sandon, Staff's. All of 6 houses.

Beautiful Alan !!

I have just noticed that you have 2 in a row, Alan!!! Double "well done" to you, you clever man!

Lovely shadows.

Hang on Studio Wall

Watercolour on Fabriano 300lb HP paper. 11 x 15in. My submission for this year’s Christmas Greetings Competition in The Artist. Not a winning entry but I enjoyed getting the watercolours out as a welcome change of medium! Sophie Penstone submitted the winning entry, so well done to her.

About the Artist
Alan Bickley

Having studied fine art and graphics at both Stafford and Derby college, my career working as a graphic artist and latterly as editorial artist with Northcliffe Media Ltd, has kept me constantly in touch with all aspects of art and design. Painting mainly in oils, acrylics and watercolour, my…

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