True Love


That is so good, Chris. I also go through periods feeling flat and not too sure what to paint! We are away for a week at the end of October so hopefully I shall gain some new inspirations!!

Thank you David. I will look forward to seeing some of your inspirational work from your holiday break. I'm sure I will sort myself out eventually.

Full of lovely emotion.

Lovely Chris. Lovely painting

Lovely and has a lot of love painted into it, don't worry about painters block I think we all get that.

We all know that flat feeling, Chris! This has great rhythm and style, love it! so will Rory!!

This is such a delightful piece, Chris - so much personality coming through!

Going through the same feeling here Chris but you have done a great job with this one.

Hang on Studio Wall

This is my nephew Rory who is mad about riding Oscar. I have enhanced this painting as I am going through a period at the moment where I feel a little flat and have something like writer's block. Hopefully it won't last too long and I will find my inspiration again.

About the Artist
Chris Scott

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