Silver Anniversary Art Exhibition
Cambridge District Art Circle Annual Exhibition, this year celebrating 25 years as a club. Held during the August Bank Holiday weekend at Grantchester Village Hall, near Cambridge. Artwork for sale. Open 10am - 5.30pm daily.
Cambridge District Art Circle are celebrating their Silver Anniversary with a special exhibition of Art work by members of the club to coincide with their Annual Exhibition held at Grantchester Village Hall. This will be during the weekend of the August Bank Holiday, 23rd - 25th August 2008, opening 10am to 5.30pm daily. Grantchester is a picturesque village just south of Cambridge, famous for its willows reaching into the river, the punts and picnics and for the choice of refreshments from any of the pubs and the famous Orchard Tearooms. For many years the Village Hall has been the venue for art exhibitions and continues to be the place to view and purchase good quality paintings. The Cambridge Cancer Support Charity will receive some of the profits from this year's sales.
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