Develop your skills with Painters Online Courses


Painters Online Courses


Try something new or develop your skills with Painters Online Courses, a brand-new learning experience from the team behind The Artist and Leisure Painter magazines.

Coming soon, enjoy a range of online courses designed to help you advanced your skills, whether you're a beginner or looking to try a new medium. These in-depth courses will be available to watch on-demand, so you can work through them at your own pace. The courses have been planned in partnership with a variety of professional artists, who will be your tutors in the course. You'll receive access to your course, plus all relevant course materials, including reference photographs and suggested materials list.

We can't wait for you to explore our new course very soon. Make sure you sign up to receive our emails to be one of the first to hear when Painters Online Courses are available!

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In the meantime, why not check out our exciting schedule of live webinars that offer the opportunity to watch professional artists demonstrating live, from the comfort of your own home! You can view and book all of our upcoming webinars on our website.