Wot I know about art.

Wot I know about art.

Wot I know about art.

... could be written in a very small space... I looked up what fine art meant 'cos I hear the term being banded about and wondered if I produced 'fine art'. Clearly it depends on the definition. I think - and i'm paraphrasing here - fine art is art just done for the hell of it, applied art is useful art, low art is disposable, conceptual art purports to be clever, representational art looks like something ... and f art is just funny because it's a bum joke. Plebs find this kind of humour funny. Bottom line is I'm a pleb. My art (and I hate to use the word to describe my stuff) is just done for the hell of it so it must be fine art. I am therefore a plebian fine artist. A happy one. Nothing I do has a message. I see something I like, I paint it. It usually looks a bit like what I was looking at so I suppose I'm representational rather than conceptual... but I don't try to be realistic. Does this make me impressionistic? OMG am I trying to define myself... is this existentailist angst creeping in? Who cares. (Nilhism?). Cheers, Ade
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