The Leaner Years.

The Leaner Years.

The Leaner Years.

At school they seemed to teach you about everything but when it came to art you just got on with it. We got no real how instructions. No how to draw or paint, no colour theory. Anyway I struggled on holding my own each year top of the class for art. Although one year I was beaten into second place by a lad named Walker. Next year I was back on top Walker had painted a green dog which unset the art master no end. My form master was my maths and art teacher. One afternoon while doing the regular maths paper, me biro chewed to pieces with worry, the master came down the row with a book. He picked up my maths paper and placed this beautiful art book before me. He said, "Take a look at this John." Then quietly walked away with the maths paper sat in his chair and smiled. I sighed with relief the maths were getting me hot under my collar. Coming up disaster strikes in the next episode of Life from the Easel. Mean while imagine you are watching the end credits and listening to the theme music from the Magic Roundabout once again. Lets get go-in.
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I am the only one may be who is reading your blogs in reverse. I just read n commented on the last one and then I saw this.😊 You are lucky that you were able to paint dog in your school days. I tried a lot and the thing which came out was either a wolf or a creature which cannot be described. It seems you are lucky to have art teacher teaching maths as well.

Ellen, not sure about the right button pushing in the next episode. But its all change time.

New theme tune in the next episode Paul, so ang-on.

It only takes one teacher to encourage and "press the right buttons". Looking forward to the next episode.

The magic roundabout theme tune is good yet exceptionally irritating at the same time lol still have it playing in my head I need to stop looking at your posts john!!

Thats a good point Adele. But I think it was a bit more as Walker was not fulfilling the brief that the art master set us to do.

I hope this story continues for a long time John. Regarding Walker and his green dog, obviously your art teacher didn't reckon much on "artistic licence!.