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New website image has Lowry connection
An unwitting CP image reveals artistic past in Berwick-Upon-Tweed

Is it true what they say....that less is more?
Low flying grey cloud set high on this Northumberland hill gave way to a warm, magenta glow.
I’ve been doing a little research into the header image for my new art website, pictured below. I took this shot in summer last year when we spent our wedding anniversary weekend at Gretna Green and on our way home, we visited Lindisfarne Island. This reference photograph, however, is in Berwick-Upon-Tweed and as we didn’t have much time to walk and explore the City walls, unwittingly I’ve captured a historical site with Lowry connections.
So it would appear that my CP drawing of the “tourist” figures are looking at one of the 18 Lowry panels on the city walls trail above Berwick-Upon-Tweed. How amazing. It’s an honour to pay tribute to a great artist in an unwitting way.
Have a good weekend everyone.
Best Wishes
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