golden taklon paint brushes

golden taklon paint brushes

golden taklon paint brushes

I have many paintbrushes, all of varying grades of quality, starting from a kids level painting set paintbrush :-p I have used 2 golden Taklon paintbrushes over the last few years and i have found them to last a lot longer and be better hard wearing brushes than others. One brush though the middle size cost about 12 euros which at the time was about £10 but equals out the same now i think :-p i do not mind spending £10 on one paintbrush if it is hard wearing, and the paint does not start falling/chipping off after 1 month or less, thus, making the wooden handle go rotten. I have tested the Daler Rowney yellow brushes recommended for acrylic use.........they are expensive, the paint chips off, i am not impressed. What brand of paintbrushes do you like? and would recommend :-)
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