

finding inspiration to create draw and paint

A blog in how I find inspiration that may help other people to find theirs...
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Happy congrats on all of your sales and positive stuff... how lovely. I can see you are going to be so busy. Love the picture of you with dogs. Give them a hug from me.

Congratulations Diana indeed what a year...trouble is when we are younger there are so many other things that take up our time such as keeping house, working, bringing up children etc. and you are right I to wish I could have done more when I was younger too...even now I can find little time in the day...I'm feeling much better today and managed to get out of bed at a reasonable hour without dragging myself out...this past three weeks have been a nightmare and a haze...I don't think I'll go near emergency next time Nana gets rushed to hospital I always get sick with something...the same thing happened last year when I rushed her in with a heart attack...I think the honey you are talking about is Mallauka (?spelling) that's the phonetic originally came from New Zealand and once they found out about the healing properties the price of honey went through the roof...I was watching an US Animal Police show and a poor dog who had an embedded colour which nearly went through it's Jugular vein was treated with honey and it was amazing...I was so shocked though at the cruelty of people towards dogs particularly and they can't understand why they get arrested...I would pronounce the death penalty or leave them in a back yard without food or water and a tight colour on a short chain see how they like it