Bye Bye January

Bye Bye January

Bye Bye January

Thank goodness January is over, the evenings seem to be getting lighter now. Can't wait for an improvement on the weather. I am much happier when I see the sunshine (being a Leo perhaps). I haven't done much painting lately, have been considering doing some much needed work on the house. I'm not really into spending lots of time doing diy but it gets to the point where you know you need to do it. It's just all the disruption while it's going on but I guess I have to bite the bullet and start. I'd much rather immerse myself in an interesting scene on canvas or maybe some cute little pet portraits in pastel. My husband wouldn't notice if we never did any decorating, I'm lucky really as he is so laid back about things. He's happy for me to paint to my hearts content as long as he can mess around with his computers. Visited the Tate modern recently. I must admit I don't really understand the attraction of some of it, how can a ripped canvas be considered art or a blue square on a blue background or worse still, a photo of a naked man with certain parts bandaged up, I guess I should be thankful they were bandaged up!!! Maybe I'm just a philistine. Still you have to see these things to form an opinion. My website is coming along nicely, just a little more and it will be finished then I have to find a hosting package that isn't too expensive. There's some pretty cheap ones out there. Anyway have finished the ironing so must have some lunch and then I'm free for the afternoon. Hooray!
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