Bingo's Blog

Bingo's Blog

Bingo's Blog

Have just started a Painting & Drawing Class at a local Education Centre - first attempt for more years than I care to remember !!!!! Started with the very basics - types of Mediums etc., then had a go at sketching and painting (in watercolours) a couple of apples - had actually forgotten just how many colours can be conjoured up from the Primary Colours alone. The next excercise involved a 'box of plums' in amongst crumpled paper - one yellow and five mauve ones. On Monday, I commenced a landscape watercolour - sky, hills, trees and some water along with rocks, above and below the water level itself, utilising some masking fluid as well. Am really enjoying the challenge.
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hey Delamere forrest use to go there in the 60's won't tell you why what a beautiful photo merry christmas