how i got into art

how i got into art

this will tell you how i got in to art

i love art because it was a way to express my feelings if i had a bad day i would draw and get it out instead of hold it all in. i would go through months when i would hardly ever paint or draw and then out of nowhere i would have weeks i just cant stop. i got my love for art from my mom she does amazing paintings of flowers, animals and shes busy with a painting of me when i wa around 10, my mom taught me that "life is only as creative as the amount of paint that i use", some of you might be sitting there thinking 'what on earth is this girl talking about' and to be honest i also didn't have a clue when my mom first said it to me however that was when i was like 7 and she still says it today, but now i know what she meant, that the world around us can only be what we make it. since i was a little girl i was always making a mess and it somehow always involved paint or pencils or anything art related, i remember once it was mother's day and i was only 6, my mom had been painting and left her box of 'colorful mysteries aka her paint box', that's what we called, in the lounge and went outside and as soon as it was just me and the box and i went into creative mode and decided to paint the black leather couch all different type of colors, i wish i could say she loved the mother's day gift but sadly my creative eye was named a absolute mess.
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Art is life So I do not limit myself to paint Alone I call my friends who are unable to drawing to try. So I created a video series to facilitate education And still more than simple lessons :)

Yes, it's amazing Shannon that you can be considered creative on paper but not on the furniture - oh dear! However it is wonderful to paint for whatever reasons and as long as you are enjoying it, you are achieving something. If there is any advice to give you, I would say be true to yourself. By that I mean paint what really interests you and not what other people expect. Don't let any negative criticism put you off. Each artist's concept of art is different. Now constructive comments are great, they can help you look at your art in various ways. Remember always that your art is your creation.

it never stopped me creating it just got me off from painting on furniture and painting and drawing on paper and canvases instead.

A sad little story Shannon something similar was said to me at just a little bit older than that. but it hurts and you don't forget. It never stopped me creating and painting I hope it didn't stop you.

Nice story. Art for me is whatever you are happy for it to be. Disappointing that your mothers day gift was named an absolute mess I'm sure it wasn't. Keep on at it and enjoy