Sadiye Jale Anas


Ever since I’ve known myself, my dream was to become an interior architect at the academy of fine arts. I remember clearly my high school art teacher’s words that I ‘should utilize my talents’. When my husband and I got married in ’77, our common love of fine arts lead us to work on ceramic designs and Turkish motifs. These lead us to painting on glass and we opened our first gallery exhibition in Istanbul in 1980. Over the years, my husband Recep Anas had traveled to far away places in the hopes of starting his own stained glass company. Moving to Saudi Arabia lead us to work on countless projects, of which I was the head designer. Twenty years later, I’ve decided to work on solo projects that encompassed a wide range of art works. I’ve created works in oil painting, pencil work, and the likes. But the traditional art of Turkish marbling: ebru had always held a special place in my heart. After a year long process of learning the intricate art of ebru, I’ve created my own version where I combine different artistic elements altogether. I draw and paint on paper I’ve marbled before hand, to create my unique and satisfactory vision of how ebru should be. I’m always experimenting and creating new ideas on paper, and I’m happy to have found my unique path with the support of my husband