A small recent history of myself

A small recent history of myself

Just quick biography of myself in recent times about my painting.

Only really took up the brushes a few months ago, when I joined an art group which meets every week. Before then I hadn't done anything since high school back in the 70's! So not expecting to be very good at it, I began to sketch and paint from a picture in an art magazine (where most painters begin!). However, the chap running the group was impressed and encouraged me to continue. He told me last week that he was astonished at how I had come on with my painting, and apparently I have an eye for strong compositions. I looked through my own photographs and began painting from them, although friends have also kindly allowed me to paint their photographs when the image portrayed interested me. I use acrylic paints, not expensive ones, some bought quite cheaply - if I can get a decent picture out of them, why not?
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Its a happy life to paint. May i suggest you use your own photograhs or sit in front o your subject . Otherwise it all becomes copying. Its not your own composition or your own concept. Enjoy.