Tivoli Gardens, Copenhagen 3

Tivoli Gardens, Copenhagen 3

Wow Shirley! This looks like my garden at the moment Shirley......crazy, but I love it! Lol

Ha ha, Fiona! I've obviously gone mad, but been having a jolly good slosh of the paint.

That is exactly what it says to me Shirley......"I'm having the most wonderful time"! Lol 😂

YES Shirley its absteact and its nice , im sure I can see an elephant in there

Oh Dennis, that is funny! There were big sweeping hair-raising rides weaving through the trees and overhead. No elephants, but some ducks which tried to eat my shoes.

Exciting work Shirley. I'm interested to see where you go with this!

Hang on Studio Wall

Mixed media, wax resist. This place had quite an effect on me.

About the Artist
Shirley May

Always loved drawing and painting. Studied biology at UEA, PGCE at Sussex, then part-time art studies at Sussex and Brighton, including printmaking. Before Covid I gave a little weekly watercolour class for 7 years. Now I am using acrylics on canvas and paper en plein air whenever possible.

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