Churchyard gate


Very nicely painted Sarah.

Beautifully done, Sarah!


Posted by Bob Hill on Thu 16 May 18:18:48

Beautifully done Sarah 👏

Lovely Churchyard gate Sarah!

Thank you very much for your comments Stephen, David, Bob, Rachel and Angela .

Lovely gateway, Sarah!

Thank you Anne!

Great gate Sarah!

Delightful Sarah.

That is lovely Sarah.

I can see why it reminds you of ‘The Secret Garden,’ Sarah. A little summery gem.

A beautiful painting, like it a lot

Thank you very much Heather, Denise, Sylvia, Carole, Valerie and Spencer

Hang on Studio Wall
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Pen and watercolour wash of an old iron gate in the churchyard at Howden Minster in East Yorkshire. On 9 x 12 tinted grey paper. It reminded me of the book The Secret Garden!

About the Artist
Sarah Crouch

Hello, I am from South Derbyshire. I always loved drawing as a child but only took it up again a few years ago. I love wildlife, the countryside, history and of course art and painting. I studied Biology but currently work at a local studies library. I am hoping to improve my painting and am glad I…

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