Study of man

Study of man small

Fantastic - is this painted in oils?

Great portrait, super skin tones and I like how you've treated the background. A powerful face to look at.

A face of character and steel. So well painted.

Great strength in this super study, Nathan

Thanks for the comments everyone. And yes, Hilary it is oils, albeit watermixable ones :)

Excellent. I love your background too.

All the features are so real. A convincing portrait.

Exceptional Nathan, it has strength and presence.

Hang on Studio Wall
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Another in the series of paintings I plan on completing by using freehand sketches as a base.

About the Artist
Nathan Jelbert

I am a Graphic Designer by day, and an aspiring artist, by night. I spend much of my free time either, drawing, painting or studying techniques and styles. I am, I hope, a little more exciting than I sound... I've always had a passion for art throughout my life, but it wasn't until about 12 years…

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