Radcliffe viaduct

Railway - Radcliffe Viaduct

Well, it's tremendous, Timothy. The river and its reflections are straight out of the top drawer. Beautiful painting in every respect. Bri

Thanks for your comments Brian; much appreciated.

Terrific composition and painting Timothy. What a wonderful memory of the Flying Scotsman very well portrayed and the river is excellent.

Absolutely superb, everything about this painting is excellent.

Another great one - water again brilliant as is the whole composition

Hang on Studio Wall

A painting based on memory and sketches of seeing the Flying Scotsman travel through my home village of Radcliffe-on-Trent, Nottinghamshire when I was a teenager in the mid-1980s. The painting was painted in the early 1990s in gouache for illustration purposes.

About the Artist
Tim O'Brien

I am a full-time artist, author and tutor. During my 39-year art career I have enjoyed working with a broad range of clients and subject matter (Landscapes, architecture, animals to transport - ships, cars and aerospace), having started out as a Commercial Artist in the world of advertising &…

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