Bending not Breaking


Wow! what a great concept, very nice and the sway is so profound!

Very effective, Jaqueline!

Love this Jacqueline. It has such beauty and dram.

Sorry ‘drama’

Very effective.

This is really great Jacqueline. You can really sense the force of the wind.

I do like this a lot has so much movement , love the mono colour.

Hang on Studio Wall

Playing with a free sample of water based pigment ink. Not used it before so finding my feet with a bit of abstract.

About the Artist
Jacqueline Budd

Aviation professional by day, hobby artist to relax. I haven’t had any formal art instruction & not sure I should be displaying my amateur efforts in amidst such talent. The furthest I have gone with my art is to supply pet portraits to work colleagues on request. However, I have already had some…

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