Little Grebe


Such a charming little painting Emma.

Delightful as always Emma!

Smashing and lovely and fluffy!

Really like the way you have made the youngster “fluffy” looking Emma. Lovely reflections too. I saw my first little Grebes last year on a Lochan in the village…..a pair.

Beautifully done, Emma - very well composed, with lovely use of shapes and lines. That bright alert gaze of the Grebe really draws the eye.

Delightful little fellow.

Works beautifully Emma. Thought it was a little Greb for a moment.

Beautifully done Emma, such a good painting, well designed.

Thanks everyone - Fiona, if you’ve got a pair, hopefully you’ll get some little ones next year - all very fluffy!

Thank you Spencer.

Hang on Studio Wall

A young bird in the (rather murky) pond at our local park. Watercolour on Bockingford, 8x12"

About the Artist
Emma Price

I'm from County Durham, on the northeast coast of England. I sketch and paint for my own enjoyment and relaxation; in particular, looking at the plants, wildlife and landscapes in our local area and attempting to paint them. My art is based on my own observations, using only my own photos and…

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