

Excellent painting Emma. Very appealing subject and a good composition.

This is very, very well done, Emma. Impressive!

Lovely work Emma.

Nicely done please Emma.

Nicely done indeed Emma.

A really lovely piece of art Emma, I’ve got young magpies chattering about in my garden!

Really good Emma 🙂

Beautiful Emma.

Absolutely superb, Emma

Emma, you’ve made my heart soar this morning. I’m looking at your beautiful painting through misty eyes….I still miss my wee Spuggs.

A lovely trio painted beautifully

Really lovely Emma! 'Our' family of bluetits fledged last week; they are just a joy.

I like your paintings because they are full of life, not static portraits. In the tradition of painters of birds and wildlife like Eric Ennion and John Busby.

Thank you everyone, and lovely to hear about all your own birds - let’s hope they all thrive (and here’s to the memories of Spuggs, Fiona - perhaps these little ones should be called Spugglets?)

😂 that made me laugh Emma and reminded me when Spuggs had a budgie for a pal, ( in fact she outlived two) and we wondered if we would hear the tiny pitter pattering of Spudgies around the house! Being fanciful of course 😂

Spudgie is a great word 😂😂😂

Really beautiful, I love to hear them Emma.

Gorgeous as ever!

Thank you Carole and Romila.

Thank you Coral.

Hang on Studio Wall

The house sparrows fledged as a group last week, and now the garden is full of their cheeps and chirps as they harass their busy parents and squabble among themselves. Watercolour on HP paper.

About the Artist
Emma Price

I'm from County Durham, on the northeast coast of England. I sketch and paint for my own enjoyment and relaxation; in particular, looking at the plants, wildlife and landscapes in our local area and attempting to paint them. My art is based on my own observations, using only my own photos and…

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