The wind in the sparrows


So lovely, Emma!

That’s so good Emma, a splendid interpretation

Like this a lot Emma

Atmospheric or what..... lovely observation.

Brilliant Emma! So well painted.

This is lovely. It really does look as if they’re clinging on

Thank you all for the lovely comments! The wind is finally starting to drop here.

Love it, Emma - beautiful!

Thank you Margaret.

Hang on Studio Wall

Sparrows hanging on in the hawthorn hedge - you can always tell which way the wind’s blowing by seeing the direction their heads are pointing; they don’t like the wind up their tails, it messes up their feathers. Pen and wash sketch.

About the Artist
Emma Price

I'm from County Durham, on the northeast coast of England. I sketch and paint for my own enjoyment and relaxation; in particular, looking at the plants, wildlife and landscapes in our local area and attempting to paint them. My art is based on my own observations, using only my own photos and…

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