The country cottage!


Gorgeous country cottage David, it looks amazing with thatched roof and tall chimney!

Lovely painting David, a dream cottage in a beautiful place.

Love this David. A beautiful painting.

Wow, so lovely David, an idyllic scene

Thank you Angela, Lesley, Denise and Cheryl for your very kind remarks.

Wow, superb painting David 🙂

Thank you, Stephen.

Looks like a lovely place to live.

Thank you Ross for that kind comment.

Lovely David, beautiful house and little purple 💜 tree

Thank you Faye for your kind comment.

Thank you for your kind comment, Spencer.

Another superb piece David.

Love it! especially like your rendering of the thatch

Thank you so much for your very kind comment, Thalia!!

Thank you, Heather.

A nice watercolour. I have always found it odd that people (myself included) like to see nostalgic pictures from times gone by. These days we build and live in ugly towns, crammed in housing estates with tiny gardens, cars and traffic everywhere. I have the misfortune to live in Milton Keynes. Something has gone very wrong.

I agree with you whole heartedly, Brian!

Hang on Studio Wall

A watercolour of a rural cottage which I have just completed.

About the Artist
David Stevens

I am a retired civil engineer who has been sketching and painting watercolours and acrylics as a hobby for the past twenty years or so. I grew up in Africa and worked in Southern Africa and Botswana for a number of years but have spent the past forty years or so resident in England with my family. I…

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